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Project Acronym: TwinERGY
Project Full Title: Intelligent interconnection of prosumers in positive energy communities with twins of things for digital energy markets
Duration: 01/11/2020 – 31/10/2023 
Topic: LC-SC3-EC-3-2020 Consumer engagement and demand response
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Suite5 in TwinERGY

Suite5 is responsible to review the underlying energy data, ontologies and semantic vocabularies in order to design the TwinERGY’s common information model, while defining a lifecycle approach for effectively managing its evolution. In addition, Suite5 will define the TwinERGY backbone infrastructure of the Core Data Management Platform (CDMP), delivering the data-at-rest and data-in-motion ingestion, management and curation services and develop the end-to-end security, encryption and privacy assurance services in accordance with the requirements elicited for the energy domain.

TwinERGY will introduce a first-of-a-kind Digital Twin framework that will incorporate the required intelligence for optimizing demand response at the local level without compromising the well-being of consumers and their daily schedules and operations. The main idea behind the conception of the TwinERGY project lies on the interest of the project partners to exploit the new business opportunities that project implementation delivers and increase the relevance of the DR optimization tools and strategies in the new generation of energy management systems. By coupling mature practice for citizen engagement with service innovation through the lenses of public value, TwinERGY will ensure that a wide range of interests and especially of consumers/prosumers will be represented and supported in the energy marketplace. In this context, TwinERGY will develop, configure and integrate an innovative suite of tools, services and applications for consumers, enabling increase of awareness and knowledge about consumption patterns, energy behaviours, generation/ demand forecasts and increase of local intelligence via properly established Digital Twin-based Consumer-Centric Energy Management and Control Decision Support mechanisms that locally optimize demand response. Key use cases will be trialed across 4 pilot regions making use of cutting-edge methods and tools. Special focus is given on standardization and policy & market reform as key enablers for the successful commercialization of the TwinERGY results. Additional attention is given in establishing knowledge transfer and exchange synergies with similar projects listed under the BRIDGE Initiative, while explicit focus will be given on the establishment of close collaboration with the projects funded under the LC-SC3-ES-5-2018 topic, to further reinforce and catalyze collaborative advancements in research, innovation, regulatory and market issues around Demand Response, RES Integration and Consumer Engagement.

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