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Semantics & Data Interoperability

Achieving Common Knowledge and Understanding

The lack of a unique, common understanding of the enterprises’ knowledge and their surrounding “world” that emerges due to different interpretations, different syntax, different standards and different modelling approaches, adopted according to the specific needs of every organization, can be listed among the critical, (ever) remaining challenges that hinder seamless data interoperability.


Suite5 brings to its clients its significant experience and its solid background on semantic interoperability, as demonstrated by its successful track record of:

  • Managing the lifecycle of semantic interoperability assets (indicatively including ontologies, reusable core components, XML schemas, taxonomies) from modelling and matching to transformation and consistent evolution.

  • Designing, implementing and evaluating interoperability solutions in different domains (e.g. eGovernment, eBusiness, Manufacturing, etc.) through mediation or standardization approaches.

  • Developing specifications for interoperability at organizational, semantic and technical levels (indicative highlight initiative in which the co-founders and employees of Suite5 have been heavily involved is the Greek eGovernment Interoperability Framework).


The excellence of the SUITE5 team in interoperability is also demonstrated by its solid academic background and its scientific recognition (through publications in over 50 publications and books, as well as PhD Dissertations).

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