"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."
"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."
"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."
"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."
Project Acronym: ONCORELIEF
Project Full Title: A digital guardian angel enhancing cancer patient’s wellbeing and health status improvement following treatment
Duration: 01/01/2020 – 31/12/2022
Topic: SC1-DTH-01-2019 - Big data and Artificial Intelligence for monitoring health status and quality of life after the cancer treatment
Project Website: https://oncorelief.eu/
In ONCORELIEF, Suite5 will lead the design and definition of the methods that will be used for collecting, harmonising, storing and eventually analysing the data to be used by the ONCORELIEF back-end platform and by the Big Data and AI Engine, providing in this manner a universal view on how data and relevant derivatives should be treated and utilized by the project from a technical viewpoint. Suite 5 will also be responsible for selecting and delivering the libraries and algorithms for knowledge extraction, business intelligence and analytics as well as visualisations to be served by the analytics and AI engine.
Improvements in early detection and therapeutic treatment of cancer have resulted in the number of cancer survivors increasing globally, creating the need to improve not only treatment but also wellness and follow-up care. Cancer treatment often involves combined modalities such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. In the past decades, more effective and targeted therapeutic modalities and less destructive cancer treatments have been developed such as immunotherapy and drug targeted therapy. Even so, cancer and its treatment have important physical and psychosocial sequelae. ONCORELIEF is a 36-month action that will leverage the above 6 drivers in order to skillfully and methodologically overcome technical challenges, by introducing new approaches that will allow the utilization of big datasets in order to develop a user-centered AI System to facilitate the integration of QoL assessment instruments through the use of PROMs and PREMs in order to improve post-treatment health status, increase the wellbeing, and follow up care of cancer patients. This will be achieved through an intuitive smart digital assistant (Guardian Angel), able to provide personalized support in post-treatment activities and tasks, suggest actions regarding the patients' overall health-status, improved wellbeing and active health-care and ultimately maintain him/her engaged on a wellness journey that will safeguard his/her health over the foreseeable prolonged post-cancer treatment period. To achieve this, ONCORELIEF builds on the combined knowhow of its interdisciplinary industry-driven consortium that brings together state-of-the-art technological skills, design thinking methodology and occupational psychology/health sciences.
Other Resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/875392