"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."
"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."
"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."
"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."
Home / Innovation Lab / GLASS

Project Acronym: GLASS
Project Full Title: Single sign-on eGovernance paradigm based on a distributed file exchange network for security, transparency, cost effectiveness and trust
Duration: 01/01/2021-31/12/2023
Topic: H2020-DT-GOVERNANCE-05-2020 - New forms of delivering public goods and inclusive public services
Project Website: https://www.glass-h2020.eu/
Suite5 in GLASS
Suite5 will lead the design and implementation of the GLASS Enhanced Service Suite, designing, developing and being responsible for the delivery of the Browser Service Module for Distributed Content Orchestration as well as the Transactions based Analytics Services. In addition, Suite5 will participate in the integration related activities aiming to support the delivery of the final prototypes. Suite5 will also support the demonstrators execution, as well as, the dissemination and exploitation activities of the project.
The rapid growth of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and its ubiquitous presence in our everyday life has significantly affected the way government services are delivered today. This poses constant challenges to safeguard the data confidentiality and integrity of eGovernment services, while increasing their adoption and usage by citizens and businesses. GLASS caters for a 'European Common Services Web', bringing closer together citizens, businesses and European governments. The project introduces a citizen-centric eGovernance model that enables beneficiaries to participate in a network for big data exchange and service delivery, which is by design digital, efficient, cost-effective, interoperable, cross-border, secure and promotes the once-only priority. The GLASS solution comprises (i) a reliable and efficient mechanism for data sharing, capable of addressing the complexity of the processes and their high demand on resources; (ii) an auditing mechanism ensuring immutability and transparency; (iii) an ecosystem for delivering mobile services tailored to the needs of its users; (iv) a single sign-on platform to manage the transactions with multiple services; and (v) an intercommunication layer, responsible for the secure exchange of information among operational stakeholders, as well as the integration of already existing eGovernance systems with newly developed ones. GLASS brings together twelve (12) interdisciplinary partners from eight (8) countries to deliver a novel eGovernance model and address the challenges that governance structures in the EU are currently facing -from divergent and legal groundwork to physical and technological limitations- towards the further democratization and openness of the public administration services.
Other Resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/959879