"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."
"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."
"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."
"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."
Project Acronym: EOSC-hub
Project Full Title: Integrating and managing services for the European Open Science Cloud
Duration: 01/01/2018 – 31/03/2021
Topic: EINFRA-12-2017 - Data and Distributed Computing e-infrastructures for Open Science
Project Website: eosc-hub.eu
Suite5 in EOSC-hub
Suite5 is involved in the Joint Digital Innovation Hub activities, and is responsible for the implementation of the Business Pilot on Furniture Enterprise Analytics.
The EOSC-hub project creates the integration and management system of the future European Open Science Cloud that delivers a catalogue of services, software and data from the EGI Federation, EUDAT CDI, INDIGO-DataCloud and major research e-infrastructures. This integration and management system (the Hub) builds on mature processes, policies and tools from the leading European federated e-Infrastructures to cover the whole life-cycle of services, from planning to delivery. The Hub aggregates services from local, regional and national e-Infrastructures in Europe, Africa, Asia, Canada and South America.
The Hub acts as a single contact point for researchers and innovators to discover, access, use and reuse a broad spectrum of resources for advanced data-driven research. Through the virtual access mechanism, more scientific communities and users have access to services supporting their scientific discovery and collaboration across disciplinary and geographical boundaries.
The project also improves skills and knowledge among researchers and service operators by delivering specialised trainings and by establishing competence centres to co-create solutions with the users. In the area of engagement with the private sector, the project creates a Joint Digital Innovation Hub that stimulates an ecosystem of industry/SMEs, service providers and researchers to support business pilots, market take-up and commercial boost strategies.
EOSC-hub builds on existing technology already at TRL 8 and addresses the need for interoperability by promoting the adoption of open standards and protocols. By mobilizing e-Infrastructures comprising more than 300 data centres worldwide and 18 pan-European infrastructures, this project is a ground-breaking milestone for the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud.
Other resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/216096/factsheet/en