"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."
"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."
"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."
"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."

Project Acronym: BIM4EEB
Project Full Title: BIM based fast toolkit for Efficient rEnovation in Buildings
Duration: 01/01/2019 – 30/06/2022
Topic: LC-EEB-02-2018 - Building information modelling adapted to efficient renovation (RIA)
Project Website: www.bim4eeb-project.eu
Suite5 in BIM4EEB
Suite5 leads the activities for the definition of user-centered framework towards the development of personalized services for the building occupants and owners, ensuring that way their active engagement in the renovation process.
BIM4EEB aims to foster the renovation industry by developing an attractive and powerful BIM-based toolset able to support designers in the design and planning phase, construction companies to efficiently carry out the work and service companies to provide attractive solutions for building retrofitting. Additionally, public and private owners will be able to use a set of tools that ease decision making and asset management. At the heart of the system, BIM4EEB will deliver an innovative common BIM management system with linked data as the basic instrument for increasing semantic interoperability between software and stakeholders involved along the overall renovation process (design, planning, construction, performance assessment and management). Two public administrations and two general contractor companies will validate the BIM4EEB toolset in a social housing setting and private residential buildings in Italy, Poland and Finland with the aim to further ensure effective market strategies for the developed tools.
Other resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/220004/factsheet/en