"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."
"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."
"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."
"We work on transforming data streams from multiple sources to analytics and intelligence.
As such we are delivering novel ICT Business Intelligence Services and Products, with an emphasis on Big-Open-Linked Data, Social Network Analysis, Wearable/IoT, Cloud-based systems, Mobile technologies, and other Business Solutions."
Project Acronym: P2CODE
Project Full Title: : Programming Platform for Intelligent Collaborative Deployments over Heterogeneous Edge-IoT Environments
Duration: 01/01/2023 – 31/12/2025
Topic: Programming tools for decentralised intelligence and swarms (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2022-DATA-01-03)
Project Website: https://p2code-project.eu
Suite5 in P2CODE
In the P2CODE project, Suite5 contributes to the design and implementation of the “Logistics and transport quality value chain” and the “Smart Factories – Worker Intelligent Assistance” application areas. During the development of the former, Suite5 provides analytics solutions, optimised scheduling components and cloud support applications. During the development of the latter, Suite5 supports the use case with smart applications and analytics solutions for IoT deployment. R&D activities form an integral part of the identity of Suite5, who has been long active in research and innovation projects funded by the European Commission.
P2CODE envisions the design and development of an open platform for the deployment and dynamic management of end user applications, over distributed, heterogeneous and trusted IoT-Edge node infrastructures, with enhanced programmability features and tools at both the network infrastructure level and the service design and operational level. The platform is implemented following three innovative design approaches: i) The deployment and management of the applications is conducted by an orchestration framework that follows a vertical layered approach from the end user interface to the infrastructure management while spanning horizontally across the device-edge-core-cloud continuum. The deployment follows the user-defined networking and operational features of the application in its northbound interface and a tight integration with state-of-the-art IoT, edge/cloud computing, and networking platforms in its southbound interface through a well-define driver API framework. With this approach the full programmability and reconfigurability of resources across the continuum is enabled. ii) An open and extensible, programming toolset facilitates application development and deployment for large swarms of devices at the edge through a multi-role Internal Developer Platform (IDP) and new feature development and testing, iii) A secure and trusted framework for registering and authenticating IoT device and edge nodes entering the system as well as the data sharing and application deployment. The concept is tested and validated over a mature testing environment that integrates diverse IoT application areas in smart logistics, manufacturing, utility inspection, and community PPDR over a programable infrastructure extended to O-RAN, 5G, SDN enable core Cloud. The consortium addresses all the required development sectors from the platform technology innovations, to supported IoT infrastructure and applications, including the end user interfacing and resource management intelligence.
Other Resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101093069