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Project Acronym: HAIKU
Project Full Title: Human AI teaming Knowledge and Understanding for aviation safety
Duration: 01/09/2022 – 31/08/2025
Topic: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-13 Safe automation and human factors in aviation - intelligent integration and assistance
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Suite5 in HAIKU

Suite5 is amongst the key developers of the XAI solutions of the HAIKU Project.

Under Use Case 4 (titled “Intelligent Assistant for Tower Controllers”), Suite5 has implement an intelligent assistant using AI and Optimisation techniques for Air Traffic Controllers, to support them in their decision-making procedures during their daily work.

Under Use Case 5, (titled Airport Safety Watch) Suite5 has developed a safety watch dashboard for London Lutton Airport, analysing different data and factors relevant to airport safety, focusing on aircraft incidents at the airport environment, leveraging historical data to enhance the safety of day-to-day airport operations in collaboration with Eurocontrol and ENG.

HAIKU paves the way for human-centric AI in the aviation domain. The main challenge is to deliver truly human-centric AI-based Intelligent Assistant prototypes, capable of integrating human values, needs, abilities and limitations. These Intelligent Assistants dynamically learn from human users and continuously evolve over time.To successfully achieve this challenge, HAIKU pays special attention to the safety, security and ethics aspects of IA-based Intelligent Assistants.

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