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Project Acronym: CyclOps
Project Full Title: Automated end-to-end data life cycle management for FAIR data integration, processing and re-use
Duration: 01/01/2024 – 31/12/2026
Topic: HORIZON-CL4-2023-DATA-01-02 - Integration of data life cycle, architectures and standards for complex data cycles and/or human factors, language (AI, data and robotics partnership) (RIA)
Project Website:

Suite5 in CyclOps

Suite5 is contributing in WP2-WP5, bringing its expertise in the design and software development of both AIOps and DataOps components.

The main objective of CyclOps is to provide interoperable, trustworthy and secure automatic management, governance, and maintenance of the entire data life cycle for large-scale volumes of data generated in heterogeneous distributed sources to enable data sharing and exchange in data spaces.

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