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Project Acronym: HAIKU

Project Full Title: Human AI teaming Knowledge and Understanding for aviation safety
Duration: 01/09/2022 – 31/08/2025
Topic: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-13 - Safe automation and human factors in aviation – intelligent integration and assistance
Project Website: Not available yet

Suite5 in HAIKU

Suite5 brings in HAIKU its AI expertise with a focus on the design of Explainable AI and its experience in data management solutions. In particular, Suite5 will contribute to the development of the AI solutions for tower controller and airport safety management digital assistants, while also participating in the design of the data landscaping, collection and management required to feed the specific use cases.

The aim of the HAIKU Project is to deliver prototypes of AI Digital Assistants for different aviation segments and users: commercial aviation pilots, urban air mobility and sky taxis, remotely piloted drones, remote towers, and air traffic controllers. It is essential both for safe operations, and for society in general, that the people who currently keep aviation so safe can work with, train and supervise these AI systems, and that future autonomous AI systems make judgements and decisions that would be acceptable to humans. HAIKU will pave the way for human-centric-AI by developing guidance and assurance procedures, and by exploring Human-AI Teaming via several interactive prototypes. The following main outputs are foreseen: 1) New Human Factors design guidance and methods (‘HF4AI’ Capabilities) on how to develop safe, effective and trustworthy Digital Assistants for Aviation 2) A set of aviation use cases – controlled experiments with high operational relevance – illustrating the tasks, roles, autonomy and team performance of the Digital Assistant in a range of normal and emergency scenarios 3) New safety and validation assurance methods for Digital Assistants, to facilitate early integration into aviation systems by aviation stakeholders and regulatory authorities 4) Continuous engagement with relevant stakeholders - e.g. policy makers, professional associations, passengers associations and general public – to deliver Guidance on socially acceptable AI in safety critical operations, and for maintaining aviation’s strong safety culture record. 

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